Hello from Jakarta! I’ve been meaning to continue my story about our road trip but here I am, writing after 2 years since the trip happened lol. Tbh I forgot most of the details and the feelings but I’ll try my best reminiscing my days.
Day 8, 14th of Jan 2020 — Water Day!
I was pessimistic in finding another breathtaking view compared to Windin but well, we have to let it go. This day, we visited Josephine Falls and Babinda Boulders. Full of water today!
Josephine Falls is located not far from our campsite, it is still in Wooroonooran, and it has a cascade and you can even slide down the slope in one area which the rock was friendly enough for you. It was fun!

Babinda Boulders is quite different, it is basically a large pool with beautiful stream coming from the river. They call it Devils Pool. Here, people are mostly jumping from a tree branch. I tried it too, lol. So much fun! Too bad Bow had monthly visitor during this time, she would’ve been having fun in the water with us too!

Day 9-10, 15-16th of Jan 2020 — To Brisbane
It had been some time for us, especially me to visit big city (bruh, I spent more than half a year working in the desert) and I really anticipated our trip to Brisbane! <3
Along the way, we visited Airlie Beach (in Whitsunday region) and had lunch there. It was nice! The beach was not the quiet type one tho, it’s like Mandurah, you expect to see yachts and boats. The town looks like Legian/Langkawi/Lombok. I wonder how they are so typical. We had a nice western food and took lovely pictures of us <3

We arrived in Brisbane on the 16th! Actually we felt like we were in a rush that we even decided not to visit Harvey Bay, Noosa, and Rainbow Beach. But let’s not dwell in regret! Sand was happy because he finally got to buy new phone and I was happy because I didn’t have to be the middle man again lol. Plus, he bought newest iPhone and damnnn, the quality of camera rocks!
We were so hyped in the city we forgot to find a place to sleep but caravan parks in Brisbane City have skyrocketing price and they were not worth it. The guys came up with an idea to deal with AirBnB instead, wise choice!

Day 11, 17th of Jan 2020 — Brisbane City
Surprisingly, we didn’t have any idea what to do in the city lol! I guess we were too spoiled by nature in the last few days and city life was kinda shocking. But we started our day having nice brekkie at a lovely cafe. Too bad I couldn’t recall its name. Then we were kinda tired to stroll along the city tho, but managed to walk across the bridge and just chillin’ before we decided to watch a movie (Sand was sleeping half of time, sorry Sand! Bad choice of mine).

We slept at another AirBnB (only for $50 *crying) together with our host and her family (and cat!). They were Thai and omg, they were so welcoming and even cooked us Somtum. Kyuchang also cooked Korean feast today, gosh my stomach was spent.
Day 12, 18th of Jan 2020 — Gold Coast
We planned to go to Movie World today but we read the flooding incident so we had no choice but to postpone and we hoped we could go the day after. We moved on to Gold Coast then. Oh my my, I looove Gold Coast!

I think Gold Coast is a fun place to live although I’m not sure the living cost here (seems high) but I really like it since it’s so lively! We were really happy because next day’s forecast seemed okay to visit Movie World, however Sand and I let our anger took the best of us later.
It was in the evening, when we discussed about the plan regarding to selling the car and Tasmania trip. Sand was proposing an idea and I am always serious during times like this, so I listened and gave my feedback. It was not that I opposed his idea, but I said the forbidden words: Up to you. Lol.
My point was, either we go with Sand’s idea or the other option, the result was kind of the same, and it has its own +/- so I said ‘up to you’, up to Kyuchang, just vote (Bow is not coming with us so she’s neutral). I was okay with anything since it has the consequence no matter option we choose. But I guess Sand misunderstood me, as he thought I misunderstood him. Instead of clarifying coolheadedly, we were shouting instead -.-
Day 13, 19th of Jan 2020 — Fun Time?
D-day. We really wanted to have fun today at Movie World. We supposed to have fun, ride extreme rides, but because of the dispute, we didn’t enjoy it to the max. I appreciate Kyuchang and Bow who really tried their best to provide good atmosphere. I was quite okay tho, but Sand and I left it hanging and we didn’t say sorry. Gosh, I felt so bad but too arrogant to be the bigger person.
Nevertheless, I tried my best to enjoy my time, knowing I might not coming back here again.
I would recommend these following rides:
– Superman ***
– Joker ***
– Green Lantern **
– Batman Drop **
– Viking

Sand was awfully quiet and I didn’t know what in his head 🙁 it sucks.
We left the theme park at 4.30 PM and I was driving to Byron Bay, NSW. We decided to visit it before sunset and I was deciding when and how I wanted to apologize.
Byron Bay has the nicest vibe to me. This little town is located in far-northeastern corner of NSW. It looks like luxurious little town but what I love about this place is they keep the beach clean from yachts/boats. It also has a lighthouse with a short climb of stairs required, about 5-10 mins.

This is the place I apologized to Sand in (you may think) cheesy way lol. I suddenly asked him, “May I hug you?”. He replied “What for?” yet he opened his arms lol! Then I apologized although he said “Don’t say sorry.” He is my important friend and I felt sorry we got carried away in anger for so long. But I finally felt relieved thoooo!

We eventually had nice dinner with friendly atmosphere. Bow and Kyuchang could finally felt at ease again lol. It was enough fuel for us to drive non-stop all the way to Sydney!
Stay tuned!