Greetings from Perth!
Yes, 2 years went by since the last post (I know, suck. lol) and here I am in Perth again.
Before I continue the final story of Indomie, I just want to express gratitude to myself, for how much I have changed.
As I reread previous stories, I found it funny, annoying and sometimes felt ashamed on how immature I was. But all of them was me, and sometimes I am still that person and that’s okay!
Also, I have been missing my mates so much, then here we go, the urge to continue finally emerged lol.
This final post would be written in different format than before as I don’t have my actual travel journal. Lost the dates, timeline, even details of accommodation, fuel and whatsoever.
It was Kyuchang’s and my turn to drive overnight from Byron Bay to Sydney that day. I personally remember how intimate that night was as we drove in the dark and we talked about adulthood, future, and dream partner. I thought Sand and Bow were sleeping but they eventually joined the conversation. I felt a sad that day as we would part with Bow soon. Yes, Sydney would be her last stop with us. We arrived in Sydney at 6am. We arrived at Manly Beach for brekkie and had rest at Rusi’s place near city.
I was so hyped to see Rusi again after almost a year we were apart! We always stayed connected through Whatsapp group though, but seeing your best friend in person again, it was just emotional haha. She moved to Sydney and progressed with her life by being a student. She wasn’t coping the change really well at that time as everything was new to her and I was grateful when she said she needed me for a short period in Sydney. Nothing soothes you than feeling anything familiar.
Anyways, I was happy to introduce Bow, Sand, and Kyuchang to Rusi. We showered, napped, watched movie, and had lunch together (Kyuchang was busy meeting a friend though). The next day Rusi showed me around and we took a few pictures. Apparently USyd was a free photo studio for tourists too lol.

Later that day we joined Sand and Bow to visit Blue Mountains. Too bad we didn’t properly explore this national park but it was worth it for a short visit. As we drove away from Sydney, I wasn’t impressed on how bad Sydney’s road quality, quite similar to Jakarta. I would never want to live in Sydney lol.

We had so much fun at dinner. Sand introduced us to his Thai friends and they were just so crazy and funny.

Next day I found Sand was totally wasted hahaha. Kyuchang was seeing his other mate. Bow was relocating her stuff to her new place and I wanted to pack stuff as I was just going to bring small daypack for Melbourne and Tasmania trip. Carrier would stay and Han’s place, my old friend. I came to the room and Sand was lying there, hungover too much. I tried to take care of him, browsed on what to do to cure hangover lol. At last he was able to vomit and we ate ramen (thanks UberEats). It was cute seeing him so weak as he had always been the strong one. It was me who always needed help after we drank too much. He would walk me to my room in the morning when we were in Yulara lol.
By evening he was healthy as ever! We went to the city together and saw our friends then we met again to go back to our room. That night we were talking if I would like to have a makeover, on how I dress. Hahaha. I was so laid back back then lol.
Next morning, we saw Bow before we continue to Melbourne. It was really nice having her on the trip and brought so much dynamics for almost 3 weeks. I appreciate her company, girls talk, our moments when we erected the tent and folded it, over and over again. I would never forget the drunk Bow and our moments at Windin Falls.

Melbourne was Indomie’s last stop. We decided to sell the car here as Sand would stay here as well with his family’s friend. Brendan was so nice to take us in for a few days.

We visited Wilson Promontory and the view was astonishing! The beach line was beautiful, endless white sand combined with blue sky and water.

We went to Twelve Apostles the next day.

It felt surprisingly far from our place. We spent almost a day just to get here.
Tbh it wasn’t really memorable to me.
And, Kyuchang had been so quiet, especially to me.
The bomb was ticking >.< and exploded in Tasmania lol.

Anyways, Indomie had been verrrrryyyyyyy accommodating! Couldn’t believe we reached that far with it. We had thousands of doubts that it wouldn’t make it, and it was proving us the other way around!
We sold the car for half of the $ we spent, around $3,000 lol.
Thank you Indomie for the times we spent together!